Saturday, March 9, 2013

Chapter 1 - His Past

My history of relationships have had it's Extraordinary highs with it's Inverse of a low..... I had my first girlfriend in 6 grade and she invited me to a school dance where she dumped me before the dance even started. That was the first and only time i have been dumped  After hearing that your probably thinking that If that was the only time how can you have a real heat break... Its coming! After Her i met A young lady at a quilt making after school program. She was an 8th grader and i was a 5th grader so as you can remember in middle school i had no chance... 8th grader never talk to 5th graders. But 4 years later I when to a assembly being a freshmen and i had this interesting conversation with the girl beside and and i notes she was  different from anyone else i had  met.  After our conversation i did not see her again for weeks but one day in orchestra we had a down day along side with the band and seeing the girl i had talked to in the assembly sitting so obviates to the thrashing noisy kids around her. her and i talked for the whole hr and a half. With a little help and embarrassment from Alex Waters we really got to know each other. From there we talked everyday after school For weeks About everything. we love to question fact them selves about life. Especially the concept of God.  She had no doubt that God exists and I never knowing anything but his name. Had argument after argument After the third meeting as you could see we were inseparable. It took about 4 semesters for us to actually go on a date. Her dad would not see to it for her daughter to date. I did get to visit her house and her mine. Next semester we both really wanted to take a class together and after class one day as we were sweeping up i finally brought up going out sense there was a dance that Saturday This relationship for 4 and a half years headed no were but up. Even with her going away to college never stopped us. So like any other guy that has ever been in true love i bought a ring and purposed. and she asked if it was a rhetorical question. But it never lasted more than a week after that! I  started thinking about her. Whats best for Katie. She was up at Michigan state starting her junior year.We needed a break she was already an upper class-men and she knew no one had not been really anywhere or had any of the college experiences. Bringing it up she agreed, But nothing changed. talk about it again.. nothing happened. I then Told her that i met some one and i was dating one of my coworkers at the time. she didn't believe me. so i had one of my friends flat out lie to her... said that we where dating, we had slept together and we were in love. Her and I haven't talked sence. even tho it was all a lie I'm happy that i did what i had to do. the ended up making friends getting out and actually got married 2 years ladder.   Hatred can really be the the best and quickest way to get over someone. sence then i had been with a lot... a lot of girls. But making a lot of friends and never dated. thinking if i slept with enough people i would forget about my past or at least hurt a little less. I did not like my self at all freshmen year was hell. until i met my real and true friends. I finally got over my past and was alright with plan B. Becoming a hermit with a lot of dogs in a forest somewhere. I grew to really appreciate plan B. The only problem was with all the time alone i became mean. I forgot how to communicate with people blocking out everyone in my life including my family. Even turning my back on god who i had become close to in my relationship. I hated everyone and everything even my self. but my friend actually could see that and for some reason stuck by me threw my low point. I owe my friends my life. It could have been a lot worse if it wasn't for them.

It's Okay To Think About What You Want To Do Until It's Time To Start Doing What You Were Meant To Do.

<Chapter 1 - My Past>Chapter 2 - You

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